Tour Introduction Programs Virtual Set
There are city view window with metal window frame, beige carpet, and a hanging world map on the wall. It’s applicable to introduction to tourism programs and talk show with about leisure topic.
We provide 14 different angles virtual set for your need.
We provide many kinds of virtual set formats that include:
1. TVS-1000A/1200A Free Formats (6 angels only)
2. TVS -1000A/1200A- 2880x1620
3. HD 1 - 1280x720(.png)
4. HD 2 - 1920x1080(.png)
5. UHD - 4096x2160(.png)
6. PSD - 4096x2160(.psd)
7. 3Ds Max (.max) Render by V-Ray.
All format /file includes 14 angles for your need.
►For more information about TVS-1000A and TVS-1200A virtual studio system, please go to: TVS-1200A on Datavideo official website
#tour #tourism #worldmap #introduction #talkshow #leisure #tv program #programs #studio #virtual #virtualset
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