【TVS-2000A】Industrial Style Open Space Virtual Set
The height of the maisonette enhances the spacious space. And the American industrial style background, retro red brick wall with metal steel frame and large book shelves set the tone of the environment. This virtual set suits interview, talk show, introduction type of TV programs really well.
►Download template of this virtual set to create your customized virtual set:
Check out the template
►Download TVS-2000A 3D decoration to create virtual set with your personal style:
Check out the 3D decoration
►To learn how to create virtual scenes by TVS-2000A from Datavideo Academy website.
Please go to: https://datavideoacademy.com/en/lesson/199
►For more information about TVS-2000A virtual studio system,please go to:
TVS-2000A on Datavideo official website
★Virtual Set Format: .s3d (TVS-2000A proprietary)
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