Amber Jones
【TVS-2000A】Light Color and Technology Style Space
The overall environment is light color tone with blue light strips.
Using changeable geometric shapes enhance the layers of image, making the virtual set is different from the traditional style of news broadcast.
This virtual set is suitable for technology, education, news broadcast and other related scenarios.
►Download template of this virtual set to create your customized virtual set:
Check out the template
►Download TVS-2000A 3D decoration to create virtual set with your personal style:
Check out the 3D decoration
►To learn how to create virtual scenes by TVS-2000A from Datavideo Academy website.
Please go to:
►For more information about TVS-2000A virtual studio system,please go to:
TVS-2000A on Datavideo official website
Many kinds of Virtual Set formats that include:
1. HD 2 - 1920x1080(.png) (3 angels only)
2. UHD - 3840x2160(.png) (3 angels only)
3. PSD - 1920x1080(.psd) (3 angels only)
4. 3Ds Max (.max) Render by V-Ray.
5. .s3d (Special format for Datavideo TVS-2000)
6. vMix - 3840X2160 (.png) (3 angels only)
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