【TVS-2000A Decoration】Lamp_21
3D decoration elements can be rotated 360 degrees with no blind spot and is offered to users with unlimited use. You are also allowed to freely change the material, brightness or light color.
► Download ready to use TVS-2000 virtual set now:
Check out the virtual set
► Download TVS-2000A template to create your customized virtual set:
Check out the template
► To learn how to create virtual scenes by TVS-2000A from Datavideo Academy website.
Please go to: https://datavideoacademy.com/en/lesson/199
►For more information about TVS-2000A virtual studio system, please go to:
TVS-2000A on Datavideo official website
★How to import the template into TVS-2000A template into Virtual Set Wizard:
1. After un-zip downloaded file from the website, save the entire folder into the
TVS-2000A path of : D:\TVS-2000 Data\Wizard.
2. After the folder has been saved, you could open the Wizard and select the decoration.
★Decoration Format: .n3d (TVS-2000A proprietary)
#decoration #element #lamp #chandelier #virtualset #3d #tvs2000 #tvs2000a